Thursday 11 May 2017

Thursday, 11th May 2017

Come visit me often, place your flowered gaze upon this digital tombstone and read some of the inscriptions. Things have become slow, I'm almost certain there is little left in the William Nein tank and so am saying an adieu of sorts, a gentle hum turning imperceptible and silent. The last official release was way back in 2013 (when I recorded 2 albums in 2 months), and I thought life had been renewed into the old dog, but it seems it was just the last gasps before being put on a ventilator.

12 years ago I needed a new frame of mind, a new name, to give myself some space in which to express certain aspects of myself that were somewhat compartmentalised, hidden and repressed, and this freedom of a fresh start allowed ideas to flow with less resistance resulting in recording an album a year almost every year between 2006 and 2013, however even as early as 2011 the name  and original idea began to solidify, feel more constricting and the persona more oppressive, the emperor began to morph under his new clothes of stone.

I experimented with mind-alterations and sought to find something personal, a belief system to live by but that phase I feel is also over now. I need to find something new again, another fresh start. There's a new band I'm in and I will most likely still write the occasional song but I think the William Nein idea has run its course. He lived a good life full of adventures and enchanting characters, you may even see him once in a while still but the self within the self desires growth and for that I feel I must say farewell to my namesake.

All the albums are up on Spotify/iTunes etc as well as Bandcamp, and more songs still on Soundcloud, and my email address is always open to inquiries and chats.

I'll update when I've found a new home

For now I will invite you to a show I've organised for Patsy Clone and friends, please come along and say hello

Love, William x

PS there's a site with some background stories at if it's of interest which I will one day finish

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