Friday 23 January 2015

Wednesday 21 January 2015

Wednesday. 21st January 2015

The perfect note is played when you cannot hear
The magician makes magic when you blink
Showing only tricks, not truth, to watching eyes

And if you manage to sneak a glimpse behind the curtain
You will fall like salt into water
Cycle and dry
Taste and secrete
Spinning in circles with no end or beginning
Only forgetting when it was that you started
To think back and forth between two states of being
A slow curve moving with no corners to turn

But you see in the mirror and cannot unsee
The image of opposite
You question your own validity
What is reality?

A journey up the spine into strange states of being
Up and up and up, then down if you so choose
To parachute from paradox to paradox

Show yourself some compassion
Cease to suffer your own demise
Your own dark humour
The trick you played upon yourself

And laugh
And love yourself

What would you like yourself to see?