Wednesday 23 April 2014

Wednesday, 23rd April 2014

When love turns to hurt it's best to break the cycle
One is hurt and hurts the other
It's not that the love has gone but its been misdirected down a wrong path
And sometimes it's better to sleep on the side of the road and await the inevitable light
Instead of fumbling around trying to find your way when you can't see where you are
Or what is in front of you, or underfoot

Sometimes you walk too far
And when you awake though you may now see where you are
But they have long since gone

Still it is better to sleep and hope they find your sorrys someday than to walk in the darkness
Not knowing what you could be treading upon in your blindness

Monday 21 April 2014

Monday, 21st April 2014

No more battles
Ships passing in the night
Kissing each others surfaces

Nelson and Napoleon wave
No eyes lost, no love lost
Commanding peace


Burn the dried grass
Of last seasons growth
Don't take the dead into the living
Old disappointments
And resentments held
Poison the bodies attempting to love


The void is inside you
A universe waiting to explode
Fill it with love


It's true, the world is an illusion
Nobody I see really exists
All I see is myself and my perceptions of things
Attention can alter the consciousness in matter 
But it's all subjective
And what I see is no more real than what anyone else sees

Wednesday 2 April 2014

Wednesday, 2nd April 2014

Death to wishes, death to desire, every moment an attempt to die
Often attracting the things we purposefully try to avoid, maybe repulsion is not the opposite of attraction but just a part of the same circle
And so we don't repel, we don't pull,
It's all energy that you feed into the equation and the mathematician sits there at their desk puzzling over the problem until his hair turns grey and his brain is a looped circuit of electricity

Just as many animals may run away as you approach
(All I want to do is pet them, all I want to do is love them)
They may also come to you if you let them do so in their own time
And if you allow them to come and go as they please
To be beside you as you walk along in the sunshine smiling
Always being an open source of love

Well why then would they ever desert you?

In those moments where I succeed in letting all my desires go I see just how much more than enough I already have
Then I forget again
Then I remember again