Friday 30 November 2018

Friday, 30th November 2018

Thinking this is one the most enjoyable artists I've listened to in a long while

Thursday 15 November 2018

Thursday, 15th November 2018

Just came across this video when looking at Tesla’s numbers (3,6,9)

It’s funny how what they say about the number is similar to what occurred when I came up with it as an alias.
My reasoning was the cyclic essence of the word (this was back in 2005/2006 when I was 23/24):
 Nein>No (German translation) >No. (reference to number abbreviation) >Number >Nine

I liked how it fit together, repeating and self contained. It felt satisfying.
Then a year or a few later a friend of mine said ‘you know it’s funny, because by choosing the name Nein you trapped yourself into a cycle of negativity’, and I hadn’t even seen it.

Thinking of that anecdote and how they describe 9 in the video makes even more sense, that it is both the singularity and the vacuum. I’ve always seen the number nine as one step up from 8.
If 8 is the measure of infinity then 9 is the cycle spinning off, an evolution and of growth, consciousness growing

Saturday 10 November 2018

Saturday, 10th November 2018

Don't watch the video because it's painful, but some interesting ideas in this podcast

Monday 17 September 2018

Monday, 17th September 2018

The frantic pace where the players feel like they're just trying to keep up with the song
The humour with which the piece exudes
The seamless change between clarinet and trumpet on the opening lines
The insanity with the repetitive riffs
The two simultaneous time signatures
The combination of joy and frustration
The sincerity of the romantic part, with its glimpses of irony
The cycles of life with familiar overtones but in different surroundings
The glimpses of differences between moods
The promise of a different way of life that ultimately comes back to the same place but having learnt more
The learning of itself
The experimentation of itself
The dramatic interludes
The confidence it ends the piece

George Gershwin - Rhapsody in Blue - 16:56

Monday, 17th September 2018

My favourite version of Rhapsody in Blue by George Gershwin