Thursday 17 March 2016

Thursday, 17th March 2016

But I have myself to go back to, time and again it is a haven. It is where I gather my strength to be able to face another day, and when I am restricted from this I lose energy, I become merely mortal and practically dead.
I always thought that all people must have this within them, that they knew that was where the energy came from, but maybe people don't as much as I think they do. If you've never seen or felt something, and nobody conveys it correctly then how would anyone know that something may be missing. I mean this for myself included, how many things are there that I am cutoff and oblivious to? So many I hardly dare count, I know I filter out many social norms, things that help you along in this world, if you want to follow convention. I undoubtedly block off certain emotions of which I may be aware of but cannot fully feel, being slightly android-alien.
But power from within that is a gift to be harnessed. Maybe it is the jewel inside of a box inside a house with a horse and flowers. The storms can't break what's inside the box.

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