Wednesday 27 January 2016

Wednesday, 27th January 2016

Life and death and time are just perceptions within the dimension we live in. Knowledge is the treasure, love and the opposite of love are the sides chosen.
The two sides are in battle and our soul is in the fight but we are not even aware of the fight.
It is not a fight for our souls, but a fight for the whole universe. What has seemed to have happened is that we have become entrenched in the idea of 'now', 'the future' 'the past', 'the world', but actually these just keep us feeling as though the physical world around us in the real one and that it travels through different stages of existence. But what if it is our heart? Or our kindness? What if it is our faith in believing in good? Then its not a physical world that can cause us harm but our decisions, our loss of hope, our evil acts that throw us down into pits.

It is not a traditional fight of 'good' versus 'evil' because as the tao shows the need each other for both to exist, and so there is no eternal damnation into hell, or eternal heaven, there is just an eternal now and it is a state of mind that decides where we will be, through thought processes, actions, self-judgement.
I could die physically in this world now but my heart has made its choice and it chooses love.

The things we usually feel we are being judged on is not necessarily things we are judged on, we may only be judged on where our heart truly lies. And throughout of life, this one and ones before and ones after we may act like a wave going in and out of either state. There may be no end goal, we go through alternating states, and our own hell and our own heaven is in accordance to the imagination we have. And so your own imagination may be your judge and the one that sentences you. But this is not a judgement against your own evil or ills, merely an idea that the worst you have ever experienced also has the complete opposite and that we are waves interlinking on each others wave.

Many people may live on wavelengths that are easily accessible to each other, their soul carries on and on through different ages interweaving with many other waves.
Others may feel they are somehow different to this mass of wave, always feel somewhat out of touch with people. These people could be seen as good or bad, but they are generally those who don't seem to fit in with the mass.
Remember the mass is not necessarily 'right' just the norm at any set time.
Some waves could be working on an extreme frequency, going through the mass wave hitting highs (good) and lows (bad), and these waves could be acting throughout time too.
Certain special cases may even become aware of their own wave, and through self-awareness these would gain the necessary insight to be able to control their wave somewhat. We are all natural and therefore all have to submit to certain natural events like depreciation and death, but many social events we do have the ability to choose to be involved in or not.


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