Tuesday 25 December 2012

Tuesday, 25th December 2012

I've been writing a lot in my notebook but not so much on here. Recent loves: Philip K. Dick's Exegesis, coincidences (which aren't a mistake), trying to keep the channel to the universe open.
I'm cutting my hours down at work in the New Year which will mean I will basically have enough money to pay rent and possibly eat but no more. I have however saved up a little money which is going to be put into a project I'll talk more about when it's properly on its way.
New year aims: work less at my job, write more music and words, work more on what is now 4 music projects, continue the journey into the soul of the universe, eat healthier, finally get over my fear of doing public exercise (one of my biggest fears is doing anything new and untesed in public, my anxiety has a field day with that), love more fear less, make myself bored which I believe is a gift of time to create something, make money from music, continue to believe in magic, succeed, be the best.

Merry Christmas everyone, hope all your dreams come true.

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