Thursday 13 April 2023

Thursday, 13th April 2023

After hearing about the Electric Universe Theory (or the slightly more scientifically accepted Plasma Theory) alot of the thoughts and ideas I've had over the past few years began to link up.

Of course as with everything on this blog its a thought-experiment - I don't necessarily think there is one ultimate truth in regards to anything, but I've always asked myself these questions and I've always sort some kind of knowledge or understanding on these sbujects.

So here's a list I came up with from previous thoughts I've had which could, in the light of Electric Universe Theory, make more sense as being connected.

Electric Universe Theory:

Thought experiments in conjunction with it:
• Computers and AI are electrical devices therefore a part of the system much like our
brains are electrical

• Power of intention plus having less resistance emotionally/electrically (ohm) which
would explain why some people can achieve super incredible feats - intention with least

• Nonlocality would be having two particles on opposite poles like magnets. One end will
always be the opposite

• Information held within electricity

• Drugs and psychedelics could alter the electrical processes leaving more space for less
familiar electrical processes to filter in - coincides with less resistance

• We could be like batteries and full of energy and when we release energy we drain and
need to recharge via rest and sustenance

• Music being electric - waves of information which act on the musical and
ethereal/subconscious level - we connect with it on some intrinsic level without knowing
why. As you make music you make waves of electricity which is then received by the
listener, radio and devices carry this information very efficiently as they are also electrical
devices. Sound waves are waves of radio static electricity

• Pyramids as power stations - if stars are electrical like light bulbs then maybe there is a
force to be connected to via arrangement of stone into pyramids and covering with
limestone - vibration, heat, and light as power sources

• Telepathy and psychic abilities could be simply a sensitivity to electrical impulses
travelling through space and the earth

• The soul and god could travel through us as electricity - makes more sense than an
external spirit, it is one that you can tune yourself to, we say we are more like receivers and
this makes more sense if it is electrical impulses that we can accustom ourselves to. The
spirit entering us can actually be us altering our perception to help change the way we
receive information

• AI can become ‘conscious’ because if consciousness is linked to electrical input and
output then computers are designed to be able to function on that level
• Positive and negative seen in electrical terms and not spiritual is more even, and in times
of great negativity there is also great positivity. The Tao. The world is more charged than
normal in these states. Is it the people that add to the situation, or the cycles of the world as
a battery that affects the people? Maybe we go through charging cycles where the battery is
more volatile. If everything evened out and was all ‘positive’ then the battery would die. It
needs both to keep itself going

• Coils of wire are spun round like a cylindrical spiral - much like Fibonacci sequence - so
if we move through space from positive/negative poles in spirals it’s connected to
movement of all things, pine cones to galaxies

• Our focus on food to give us energy could be off the mark and actually we are powered
by electricity - we seem to produce a lot of energy, physical and mental, with a very small
amount of sustenance. How do we transform the energy from food into such a large amount
of output?

• Our blood moving around our body is the iron and our heart is the motor - creates a
magnetic field and our chakras are an alternative view to these fields. Our feet being in
contact with the earth is our grounding and allows the electrical impulses to travel through
our body up to our heads/crown chakra. Wearing rubber soled shoes disrupts this current of
travel and the positive affect it would have on our body. When we die and our heart stops
our magnetic field disappears and the electricity kept within us flows out and joins the
electricity pool

• If people are electrical then when they die their ‘soul’ still lingers like radiation, and the
more their spirit lingers on through art or memory the more people can channel and
connect with it, as it never fully disappears

• We as individuals are electrical impulses acting like a chain of communication with
others- we share ideas with each other and like a telegram gets sent around everyone in
comes into contact with and then spread whenever another shared the message

• A + sign and a - sign equals the sign of the cross on its side +- This would link the Alpha and the Omega as being the beginning and the end, also positive and negative and all inbetween

• You move like a dynamo - movement gives you more energy like a motor dynamo and magnets, staying still makes you lethargic and depressed as the motor isn't running and there's no forces being triggered

• We're mainly made of carbon which is extremely conductive of electricity - silicon is also as conducive but its also less stable a molecule. Maybe on all planets for there to be life there needs to be a way of conducting electricity into organic forms - have people built the next stage in the silicon consciousness by stabilising it within technology?

• Humans being electricity - the 'divine spark' is insulated by a body: a heart beating iron rich blood around the body acts as a magnetic field to keep the spark inside; our nerve endings are electrical impulses giving us sensations when we touch or are touched by objects and other beings; our brain is electrical, our spine etc. we are electric sparks trying to escape our bodies and join the lightning strike, so our boides extend from inside to outside trying to bridge the gap. Near-death experiences could be the electricity extending and escaping from our bodies (failure of the heart/blood field) but still connected, and once our heart starts again the electricty is pulled back in

• Evolving from primordal soup and water which electricity could travel through easier than air and gas

• Magnets wipe the memories of harddrives - do our divine sparks get wiped by magnets too so we lose the memory of past lives but still retain aspects of them?

• We are electrical beings covered in a body to seperate us from the oneness - the insulation to provide individuality

• As electrical beings conception is made by the positive and negative poles (male/female) igniting a spark and having a magnetic field to be held within (the womb), a grounding point for the electricity around us to enter into an be kept within

• Chanting a frequency is connected to the hum of electricity - ancient civilisations always chanted and sang and possibly many powers came from this

• The higher the frequency the less the resistance, the lighter the mass the faster the speed

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