Saturday 5 November 2022

Saturday, 5th November 2022

Well I guess if we are on an alien-made farm for humans then I guess it's kinda hard to see a real way out of that. My personal stance is that death and being taken away from this earth is most likely not as bad as being stuck on this earth forever. Whether that is in the form of AI consciousness or physical spirit bodies.

Our bodies are our vessels for our souls to travel to distant stars at the speed of light, where time stands still, and your particle of light doesn't age. So even if it takes the equivelent of 1,000,000 light years it is as though no time has really passed at all, because you haven't aged and time hasn't changed.

This soul particle falls from the light as soon as it has an individual thought. This individual thought gives the particle of light the very tiniest of masses but a mass nonetheless. This mass begins to attract more and more matter and as this happens the particle becomes ever slower through time, heavier through space, and gaining mass like a galactic snowball.

Your soul drops into the nearest most habitiable evnvironment into the most intelligent host available, which has so far been the human body as far as we are aware but soon AI and quantum computers will be able to hold these space-traveling-souls also. A consciousness sucked into a machine, trapped inside as data on-repeat and mathematical code. 

So yes, if I can leave my body and be amongst the light particles again I would rather that than be alive forever on this earth

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