Sunday 2 August 2015

Sunday, 2nd August 2015

I walked the wrong way down the street, away from his house, and cross a bridge and a lock full of boats, the bridge led into a small woods of some kind. I phoned him again, I've gone the wrong way, walk all the way back to the beginning and phone then. I pass my point, my mountain, I walk over a bump in the road which is apparently a bridge, we buy whiskey and lemons for the forthcoming whiskey sours. I've bought wine too, always good to have a secret backup plan.
I sit in the darkened off-kitchen lounge listening to the music they play on spotify and having already picked up the guitar start to play along with the record. It makes me feel worth something, I'm playing with them, I belong more there. The dim comforts me, the slight-off position I put myself in. Who knows me really? It was fun playing and performing in front of them, to say: yes this is a large part of me you've never seen before. I am more than the line I present myself to be. The risotto is amazing, and though low on appetite I enjoy a good 4 spoonfuls. We play table tennis, myself and Lizzie, it is dark outside but they have a garden spotlight shining down into the eyes of one of the players. I choose this side. Is it because she's a girl and therefore should try to be nice? Or is it because I like the challenge of feeling as an underdog but one that chooses the challenge.
I digress.
Table tennis is my favourite activity that requires movement ('sport' seems to strong a word) and I began to feel the rhythm, I danced, I used backhand alot as I'm lefthanded. In the last game I played, it had turned into a doubles game with only 3 racquets, I gave mine away sure I could find a fine replacement. I saw the trowel and just knew it was perfect.
The handle and sufficient surface to bounce the ball against. A highly unthought of bonus of a bong sound as the metal hit the ball, much like a buddist gong. I could play good shots with a trowel and make a cool sound too all because I gave away my racquet.
That's what I call my crazy side.

Jimmy and I were perfectly matched, we could rally and I felt a mutual respect between us that it was all about keeping the ball going, it wasn't competitive, it was a dance. I enjoyed that game of table tennis just about as much as I can remember enjoying anything. It was a special moment for me and I locked it away with the other film.

George is my best promoter, he will not cease in asking me to play songs to people. Always specifically the same two: 'I Like You Too' and 'HaveIStartedFallingInLoveWithYou?' even if they have already been played at least twice already. Those words must connect with him, must be a state of mind, because it is not memory that desires the song, it is the connection within himself and the music and the person singing it. There is no end game, it could go on for an eternity, that same connection over and over and over and over again. But then where would the opposite come from? To repeat within a cycle over and over and not changing and constantly living within that same moment you aren't noticing the possibility of more, of a different way of living, to be more involved in the creation of that moment.

'Don't Look Back in Anger' was one of my cherished moments of the evening, having not really played it since I was 16, the youth and enthusiasm came back, and Jimmy could've been Liam Gallagher, in fact I thing he was, and we shouted the words so hard it was years of past life.

And then this happened, I asked Lizzie to play piano like she did once before at my house, a small party where I was quite stoned and got everyone to wear tshirts of me* (oli's logo).
Lizzie writes poetry but though words are fine I feel her fingers understand the poetry of melody upon piano keys. Although still labelled with letters the keys write nonsense in word form but as a combination code of feeling the notes speak so much clearer and stronger. Lizzie doesn't really sing in public environment much, but after a prod by me to do so and that I wanted to hear her sing, and for them to hear, she sang some notes. I think it's beautiful.
It is also surreal mainly thanks to a drunk George who just wanted to hit his hand in rhythm to something, and then adding his unintelligible insights, which could be genius or absolute nonsense, but you'll never know because you'll never hear what he is actually saying.


Just remembered another magical moment of the evening and that was Patrick playing piano as I played guitar along with him. Expect lots of collabs soon.

And oh my god, this is my friend Jens looking fucking cool in his new video for Orka:

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